When is the best time to water my lawn?

Most people who like to have a beautiful looking lawn know that it needs to be watered properly. Depending on which geographical area that you live in, these water requirements can vary

​Here are a few tips or general rules for efficient watering:

  1. Don’t water too much
  2. Don’t water too little
  3. Water in the early morning, if possible

Too Much
Watering too much or too often is wasteful. In addition, it can promote disease and fungus in your lawn and landscape. Shrubs and trees can actually drown if watered too much and your lawn mower can damage the lawn by sinking in the dirt if it’s too wet when mowing.

Too Little
Watering too little can is ineffective because in many cases, you’re teasing the grass or plant material. Generally speaking, your lawn will need about an inch of water per week.

Early in the Morning
Watering in the early morning is usually best because the temperatures are mild, there is usually less wind and sometimes the water pressure can be better too. It gives the grass a chance to get saturated and still let the surface dry out before the hot sun rises and either evaporates the water or scorches the surface.

A Few More Notes: 

  • It’s best to water deeply in order to get your root system to grow deep as well. This will keep the grass from drying out too quickly and it will also require less water in the long run.
  • It’s better to water heavily for 2-3 days per week as opposed to watering lightly for 5-6 days a week.
  • Even if you have an automatic irrigation system, there is no substitute for Mother Nature and the nutrients that come with natural rainfall. Make sure you are comfortable with your controller so you can make adjustments frequently to account for changing weather patterns.
  • Along with varying soil condition, water requirements can vary also. Clay will not absorb as quickly but will not dry out as fast once it is saturated. Sandy conditions dry out very quickly and do not retain moisture as well as clay. Therefore, sandy soil may need to be watered more often.
  • There are many types of grasses, shrubs and trees that all have different watering needs. Try to choose species that are natural to your geographic areas so they adapt and adjust to the weather patterns in your area.

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